Ticket Booking Guide

Instructions on how to book airline tickets online on Efly.vn

Step 1: Search and select a flight

Fill in the information in the search form:

Tick select "one way" or "round trip"

- Select "departure" and "destination" information by clicking on the available suggestions or entering the city name or airport code into the search box

Select departure date (one way) or departure date <-> return date (round trip)

Select number of passengers

Passengers enter complete departure/arrival information and flight time​ 

After you have entered all the information, simply click on the “Search” button to view available flight options that suit your requirements.

The search results will produce a list of all flights operated by multiple airlines that match the requirements you entered earlier. Flight times and ticket prices are also fully displayed (in which ticket prices will be listed from low to high).

If you want, you can click on the selector with more detailed options (like direct flights/stopovers, airlines, flight times, flight duration) in the left corner of the screen.

In addition, you can also choose additional services if needed, such as meals, checked baggage, and other services to make your journey more comfortable.

Flights are sorted by ticket price from low to high


For round-trip trips, the search results on the page will display the ticket price of the entire flight (departure and return ticket prices for 1 passenger) right in the departure section. If you have selected the outgoing direction, the screen will change to the return direction.

In the return section, there are 2 cases for you to choose from:

Choose a flight route with no additional fees (flight routes displayed +0 VND)

Choose a flight that costs money, due to the difference in ticket prices between flight time frames. At that time, your ticket price will be calculated as: the fare displayed on the departure side + the difference in fare displayed on the return side.

Step 2: Enter personal information

After finding a suitable flight, you need to enter personal information including: Passenger information and contact information.

- Passenger information section: You need to enter all personal information such as full name, middle name, first name, date of birth, gender, nationality.

- Contact information section: You need to completely and accurately fill in contact information such as: mobile phone number, email, address.

Then, click the "Continue" button to proceed with booking tickets.

Hãy điền các thông tin một cách chính xác vào các trường có sẵn


+ Enter the customer's name and full name without accents

+ Boxes marked with an asterisk (*) are required

+ If you are a passenger, the contact information and the person flying must be the same; If different, enter the flyer's information above and your contact information below.

Step 3: Confirm and pay

- Choose payment method (via credit card, bank transfer, payment via e-wallet or scan code)

Complete payment and wait for confirmation via email or text message.

- Enter the discount code (if any). Passengers can regularly monitor and update the discount code to be able to hunt for many attractive Vouchers.

Currently on the VinID app, Efly is opening a promotion with Voucher discount of 50,000 VND for each ticket booking. This promotion is valid until December 31, 2023 or until program budget expires, whichever comes first. Each passenger receives a maximum of 02 vouchers, and 01 voucher/invoice applies.


There are many payment methods for passengers to choose from 

**Note: If the reservation time has passed and you have not completed the ticket payment, the previous ticket reservation request will be canceled.

Before making payment, you should re-read all relevant information: passenger information, ticket price conditions, total payment cost.

After completing the ticket booking procedures, the system will send the online ticket code via email or text message to the phone number you previously registered. You can print the ticket yourself or store it on your phone for use when checking in at the airport.

After successful payment, the system will display a notification page as shown 

The following terms and conditions apply to the online booking function at Efly.vn website. When using the online booking and ticket purchasing function, you automatically accept and comply with the instructions, terms and conditions posted on the website, including but not limited to the Conditions of Use stated at This.

If you do not intend to purchase tickets online or do not agree to any of the terms or conditions stated in the Conditions of Use, please leave this function.

1. Conditions for using the online ticket purchasing function

  • The online ticket purchase function helps look up information and complete the purchase of products and services legally. However, if you abuse this function, you may be denied access and the transaction will be canceled.
  • The online ticket purchasing feature is for personal and non-commercial use only. You are not allowed to modify, copy, duplicate, publish, license, create links, transfer or conduct unauthorized business from information, software, products or services obtained from Online ticket purchasing feature.
  • You are solely responsible for your behavior and capacity as prescribed by law for the use of the online ticket purchasing function by yourself or any individual or organization using your name and account payment for services. You are fully responsible for payment transactions in your name or the account registered by you. You must ensure that all information provided by you when using this feature is true and accurate.

2. Reservation regulations

– You can book a maximum of 09 guests including adults and children (excluding babies under 2 years old) at each time.

  • Adults: applicable to passengers 12 years of age or older as of the departure date of the first flight of the journey.
  • Children: applicable from 2 to under 12 years old as of the last day of the journey.
  • Infant: applicable from 14 days old to under 2 years old up to the last day of the journey.

– Children and babies must be booked with their parents or guardian or person authorized by law. The baby sits in the same seat as an adult.

– Child ticket price (from 2 to under 12 years old) is 75% of the adult price.

– Fares for infants under 2 years old are subject to a surcharge according to fare conditions

– Your reservation and ticket price will not be guaranteed until payment is successful.

3. Regulations on prices and fees

  • Total payment amount includes taxes and airport fees for the entire journey.
  • Efly.vn is not responsible for fees that may arise according to the card-issuing bank's policy as well as fees that may be levied directly from customers by the airport.

4. Require international payment card authentication

  • You may be asked to present your international payment card at the airport along with your identification documents. You need to follow the instructions of airline staff at the airport and ticket office.
  • When changing reservations, changing itinerary and information on tickets, Efly.vn requires presentation of payment card, ID card or Passport of the cardholder.
  • In case you choose the "Pay later" method, you must comply with the later payment requirements clearly stated in your booking information.

5. Regulations on ticket refunds, intinerary changes and assistance

  • If you do not receive a flight ticket notification email from Efly.vn's info@efly.vn address within 30 minutes after successful payment, please contact the online ticket purchase helpdesk. of Efly.vn via phone number:  19002813 , or Efly.vn office for assistance.
  • To refund tickets purchased on the Efly.vn website, please carefully check the refund conditions. In case the ticket price conditions allow for refund, please contact Efly.vn offices

6. Other regulations

  • You are responsible for ensuring all documents for entry and exit procedures including passport and visa according to the regulations of the countries involved in the itinerary.

7. Use is strictly prohibited

  • Do not use the online ticket purchasing feature to make unauthorized reservations, false reservations, or reservations with fake or dishonest information.
  • It is not allowed to use the online ticket purchasing feature for illegal purposes; or hinder the access and use of this service by others.

Efly.vn reserves the right to cancel your request to use this feature without any notice if it finds that you are violating, or may violate this usage limit.